Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Grown up Programming

I love to travel. No- I am COMPLETED by travel. My passion for the activity is so deep as to keep me in a constant state of cabin fever. I like to move, even if only on a day trip. I like to see, experience, feel. It was what I was made to do- record all of the things that I take in and observe and give them to others to share.

My favorite parts of travel are the random moments that are not planned or intended, but end up "making" your trip. For example, when I was in Paris I got to visit Sacre Coeur at night. Just as we entered the beautiful church, a mass began and we were treated to the sounds of gorgeous singing in French resonating around the domed insides of this basilica. It was one of those 'aha' moments that you hear about. It will stay with me forever.

We also witnessed student riots on the other side of the Luxembourg Garden gates. In fact, we were almost engulfed in the confusion and somewhat violent machinations of the French youth. On the opposite side of the spectrum, during the same trip, we came up out of the Metro into a parade down the Avenue de l'Opera. What we could glean from our surroundings was that it was college students celebrating a soccer event. It was jubilant and fun.

(picture: Sacre Coeur, personal photo)

Why am I discussing all of this? Well, I have been appreciating the programming on the Travel Channel a lot as of late. The reason is because they are showing this side of traveling that I enjoy so much.

(picture: students parading down Avenue de l'Opera, personal photo)

Take "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations" for instance. This man, Anthony Bourdain, travels the world to the most far flung places, experiencing not just the food (a lot of it, at that), but the people, the culture, the ESSENCE of the places. He meets the real people that make these countries what they are at their cores- not the prepackaged spokespeople. Plus, while he is doing this meet & greet,-discussing real topics that are not only important to the people he meets, but that should be important to us- he is irreverant, witty, and honest. I love it!

A second show that I am enamored with is the Samantha Brown series. Okay, so she's kind of corny in her fresh-faced way, but she's also loveable. She is a girl from my own heart- she loves to see the off-the-beaten-path sites, the essential eateries that make a trip to a new place complete, and the type of "souvenir shopping" that I can really appreciate. This Brooklyn girl is a bit of a fashionista.

(photo: static.open.salon.com)

In conclusion, if this is the trend in travel programming, I'm there. I'm hooked, line, and sinker. If I can't leave my house because of my dwindling funds, at least I have great places to go from my couch.
(photo: podbean.com)

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